Coeur de Neufchâtel has just...
Coeur de Neufchâtel has just arrived. Show your love with this pillowy heart of white mould cheese, which is mild and buttery in taste, as well as being smooth and tender like a Camembert. Just in time for Valentines Day.
Available now, both online and in-store!
Coeur de Neufchâtel已經上架!快啲嚟試吓內層鬆軟嘅白黴芝士啦,味道清淡得嚟又有濃濃嘅牛油香,更有同Camembert芝士一樣嘅軟滑口感,剛好俾你喺情人節多一個選擇。
現可在Feather & Bone網站和門市購買。
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