Jose Gordon El Capricho from...

Jose Gordon El Capricho from...

Jose Gordon El Capricho from Espana? Si, you heard that right. Feather & Bone is proud to be serving the best beef in the world. Don’t believe us? Try for yourself at your nearest Feather & Bone. Limited stock available. 介紹番來自西班牙嘅Jose Gordon El Capricho牛肉?無錯,你無聽錯。Feather & Bone有幸爲各位帶來全球最頂級牛肉。唔信?快啲嚟任何一間門市品嚐啦,存貨有限啊! #feathernbonehk #meatlovers #bestbeefintheworld #beef #worldsbestbeef #josegordon #spanish #spain #elcapricho #hkfoodie #hkfoodstagram #butchersofhongkong #bestbutcher #hkeats #discoverhongkong #hkig

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