Announcing Team Feather & Mo’ for Movember 2021
Each November teams and individuals take part in Movember to raise money for suicide prevention and mental health, and prostate and testicular cancers. These are some of the biggest killers of men, and so to raise money, participants are encouraged to grow a moustache or complete another personal challenge and take sponsorship from their friends and family.
Our team is Feather & Mo’ and this year we aim to raise at least HK$100,000 for this worthy cause. (Last year we reached an astounding total of $153,000, and were the highest earning team in Hong Kong! #humblebrag)
Throughout the month members of our team will be growing their mo’s (although you’ll just have to take their word for it from behind their masks!), hiking, writing, reading, abstaining from ‘screen time’, or completing other similarly herculean feats to raise funds.
If you’d like to give a little something towards our efforts, head over to our page and donate to the team as a whole, or scroll down to find your favourite waiter, chef butcher or dishwasher and you can donate directly to them.