Learn about our PORK
Our pork comes from Valenca and Gooralie who source from a small selection of dedicated Australian farms that consistently provide outstanding fresh pork from pigs who were raised in natural environments. It is free from hormones, growth promotants and other nasties.
Valenca pork is an Australian family business operated with pride. Its range is 100% free-range certified premium pork sourced only from a handful of farmers who look after the pigs with the utmost care and respect, always bred in a natural environment in open paddocks where they’re able to express their natural behaviours, which include socializing, playing and running around. Pigs are inquisitive by nature, it is important they get to live as their true selves. This is what makes them stand out – commercial farming does not offer this. Valenca is a premium pork brand we love.
Some of the signature cuts from Valenca Pork: Porchetta, Bone-in Pork Chop, Boneless Pork Loin, Chorizo Burger Pattie.
Learn more about the cuts from Valenca
Situated in the heart of Queensland’s Darling Downs, Australia you’ll find Gooralie – a long-established mixed farming enterprise that diversified into free-range pork that is top quality. The pigs are born and raised in stress-free natural outdoor environments, they have the freedom to roam around 24 hours a day with access to shade, shelter, clean water and fresh air.
*Flown in directly, always chilled, never frozen.